i joined some online dating website(
okcupid.com) because my friend jessica told me there were hot babes on there... and i have yet to see any actual hot babes. it's kind of a funny site though. people can see when you look at them and then they message you right away, and some of them use such cheesy lines. one of my other friends torrie is on there and we exchange stories about it all day long because we've become addicted, and we love texting eachother all day long! i'm actually just surfing the net at the nursing home right now waiting to get out of here and get together with her to head to our favorite bar in cambridge.. CHARLIES! which is our usual every weekend hangout. after tonight though i think i'm going to cut back on going out. i start hair school next wednesday and will be working less. so excited/nervous! i can't wait to get my almost 700 dollar kit and go through it with all the different supplies i'll need and mannequin heads and whatnot. the whole unlucky streak sort of isn't over yet which is quite a bummer but i'm getting through it. my laptop should be arriving all fixed and good as new via fedex by december 10th. i'm very much looking forward to that as i havn't been able to use it in almost a month now. i've been collecting addresses and getting ready to make christmas cards out of vintage winter/xmas graphics and doilies and probably lots of glitter and other fancy whatnots! maybe i'll spend a quiet night in with a christmas special or movie tomorrow and start on that then. i'll post pics when i'm done! so yes browsing the net..
i just signed up for a free 10 issue subscription of
nylon magazine at urban
outfitters website. this is how i received my current subscription last year. i suggest jumping on that bandwagon before supplies run out!! also i love these items from the site..

i don't usually like hats and i'm not sure how i feel about this one either but for right now i'm kinda diggin' it. and i love bows.

not that i need a new purse.. and the one i have right now is so similar to this one if i got it my friends would just think i bought the same purse i have now in a different color. mine is a pearly color and when it opens it look like a clam shell opening, so they call it the clam purse haha.
this is a real cute speaker system for an ipod.. the ones i have right now are pretty cute but very small. eco-speakers. and these are them..
i really like this cardboard ipod boom box but the speakers are about the same size as the ones i have.. it's cute though.. and a cheaper way to do the whole old fashioned boom box thing haha.

alright time to go lock things up, shut down the workputer, and get ready for charlies. TTYL
Yeah i love okcupid! I have been on there for a few years. I met a cutie on there, his name is micheal. whats your sn on there? mine is ms_brandiebrown:)
my username on okcupid is melissamoore
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